We’re thrilled to announce that our Parramatta River Masterplan has won the 2021 National Stormwater Awards for Excellence in Strategic or Master Planning.

Duba, Budu, Barra: Ten steps to a living river – the Parramatta River Masterplan is a comprehensive strategy based on evidence-based science, cultural sensitivity, community engagement and collaborative decision making.

The award reflects the considerable research, planning and engagement that went into the development of the Masterplan by the PRCG’s member agencies, including the 11 member councils in the Parramatta River catchment, Sydney Water, NSW Environment Protection Authority, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, and more than 20 affiliated organisations and community groups. It also recognises the contribution by the former PRCG Coordinator, Sarah Holland Clift, who led the Masterplan development by raising awareness of the Our Living River initiative through her advocacy on issues affecting the river and catchment.

Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the Masterplan. As we progress its delivery, we’re looking forward to working with our member organisations to develop new initiatives to improve waterway health and launch more swim sites over the next couple of years.

From left: Nadia Young, Nell Graham and Jasmine Payget.