3. Create new swimming spots


Our goal is to create at least three new swimming spots by 2025. To achieve this we have worked with foreshore Councils and the community to identify sites, then prioritise them based on their feasibility, vulnerability and desirability.

City of Canada Bay, Hunter’s Hill, City of Ryde and Inner West Councils are working towards opening new swim sites along the river. We are monitoring water and sediment quality to ensure these sites are suitable for recreation.


Establish three new swimming sites on the Parramatta River by 2025.


From now to 2025.

Lead Agencies

Swim site land managers.

Current Measure

To establish three new swimming sites on the Parramatta River by 2025.

Status Update

The upgraded Bayview Park swim site was opened to the public on Friday 11th of November 2022, and at least 2 more swim sites will be opened within the next 12 months with another 2 sites are under investigation.

Site Expected completion date Construction Design Approvals Chemical assessment Water
Quality monitoring
Bedlam Bay Proposed launch in October 2023 Proposed for April – May 2023 Detailed design completed March 2023 Underway Complete – not yet finalised Ongoing – establishment monitoring complete
Putney Park Proposed launch in October 2023 Proposed for April – May 2023 Detailed design completed March 2023 DA Underway Complete – not yet finalised Ongoing – establishment monitoring complete
McIllwaine Park Proposed launch in October 2023 – kayaking site not swimming Underway Detailed design completed March 2022 DA completed Complete – not yet finalised Ongoing – establishment monitoring as a secondary contact site complete
Callan Park Concept completed October 2022 Complete Beachwatch monitored site

Bedlam Bay

Bedlam Bay is located on the northern side of the river near Gladesville Hospital. Bordered by the Parramatta River Regional Park, this popular site attracts many residents with activities such as walking, boating and weekend sports.

Planning has commenced on the development of a swim site located off the sandy beach at the eastern end of the bay. Hunter’s Hill Council was successful in securing funding through the NSW Government Places to Swim program. Facilities will include an enclosed swim area, boardwalk and deck. For more information, visit Hunter’s Hill Council’s Bedlam Bay website page.  


Callan Park

Callan Park is located on Iron Cove in Lilyfield. The site is home to the former Rozelle Hospital, which features extensive parkland and the popular ‘Bay Run’ that runs along the river foreshore.

Inner West Council is currently progressing plans to establish a swim site on the western side of Callan Point.

The proposal includes a 50-metre pool incorporating swimming lanes, an extensive jetty and two moored pontoons. The west Callan Point seawall will also undergo an ecological restoration.

Greater Sydney Parklands manages Callan Park with a focus on revitalising the foreshore and providing amenities to support the proposed Council swim site.


McIlwaine Park








McIlwaine Park sits alongside Brays Bay Reserve in Rhodes. The area includes a restaurant and café, walkways, a fenced toddler playground, BBQ and picnic facilities and toilets.

The site is currently undergoing significant enhancements as part of a $6.55 million McIlwaine Park foreshore upgrade and Brays Bay River access project. Funded by the NSW Government Precinct Support Scheme, improvements will include increased foreshore access to allow the community to enjoy water activities such as rowing, kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding.

Construction is expected to be completed by summer 2023. For more information, visit City of Canada Bay’s Brays Bay River Access & McIlwaine Park Foreshore Upgrade web page


Putney Park








Putney Park is popular for family gatherings with scenic views of the river and grass areas for picnics, two playgrounds and a water splash play area and ample parking. In late 2021, City of Ryde Council provided improved community access to the river foreshore through the construction of new steps. In 2022 Council was successful in obtaining $698,475 in funding through the NSW Government Places to Swim program to fund the construction of a new swimming enclosure. The site is expect to open in late 2023.


Progress Timeline

December 2023 to February 2024

  • Bedlam Bay –  DA complete. Aiming to open Bedlam Bay swim site end of March 2024
  • Callan Point – Council has approached market for detailed design services to inform REF.  Consultation/negotiation with Greater Sydney Parklands (Callan Park authority) ongoing.
  • McIlwaine Park – Foreshore upgrade complete. Official site opening 18 November.
  • Putney Park – Going out to tender for construction works. Community engagement complete.  Stage 1 of swim site to launch in 2024.
September to November 2023

  • Bedlam Bay – Proceeding with a DA. Aiming to open Bedlam Bay swim site end of February 2024.
  • Callan Point – Council has approached market for detailed design services to inform REF (Review Environmental Factors). Consultation/negotiation with Greater Sydney Parklands (Callan Park authority) ongoing.
  • Putney Park – Going out to tender for construction works. Community engagement complete. Council attended Royal Life Saving symposium. Stage 1 of swim site to launch in late 2023.
  • PRCG and Inner West Council supported first-year students in the UNSW Landscape Architecture Program on a project to develop concept designs for the reactivation of urban river swimming sites such as Callan Point.
June to August 2023

  • SSATWG continuing to meet regularly to progress swim site opening.
  • McIlwaine Park – construction underway. Site completion expected late 2023.
  • Bedlam Bay – launch February 2024.
  • Putney Park – finalising assessments.
  • Callan Park – REF.
March – May 2023

  • Bedlam Bay – waiting on planning advice about whether to proceed with the DA. Proposed launch date revised to February 2024, subject to approvals, environmental assessments, and grant extension.
  • Callan Point – Council has approached market for detailed design services to inform REF (Review of Environmental Factors). Consultation/negotiation with Greater Sydney Parklands (Callan Park Authority) ongoing.
  • McIlwaine Park – project reached a significant milestone with the removal of the temporary sheet pile coffer dam, enabling the new seawall to be constructed in a dry workspace. The seawall is now 90% complete and the rockpool habitat area is finished. The new seawall incorporates Living Seawall tiles to attract and support different types of sea creatures and aquatic plants.
  • Putney Park – undertaking and finalising all assessments identified through project grant scoping to satisfy DA requirements for submission. Investigation and finalisation of design for seawall upgrade at the site.
December 2022 – February 2023

  • Swim Site Activation Technical Working Group (SSATWG) met in March to progress swim site opening.
  • Bedlam Bay – community consultation completed. Tender for construction will be finalised by 27 March. Plan to begin construction in April. Proposed launch date is late 2023.
  • Callan Point – consultant engaged to develop concept designs. Council was unsuccessful in applying for a Places to Swim grant.
  • McIlwaine Park – construction underway with changed scope. Timeframe for completion is late 2023.
  • Putney Park – carrying out assessments as identified through project grant scoping to satisfy DA. Investigation into a new revetment seawall. Stage 1 of swim site to launch in late 2023. Council to investigate future concept works for the park that will include ‘all abilities access’ and potential watercraft launching.
September – November 2022

  • Swim Site Activation Technical Working Group (SSATWG) continuing to meet regularly to progress swim site opening.
  • Bayview Park launched in November 2022.
  • McIlwaine Park – construction underway but progress delayed; site completion expected end 2023.
  • Bedlam Bay – community consultation underway; construction to commence 2023.
  • Putney Park – consultant engaged to commence works.
  • Callan Park – design consultant engaged.
June – August 2022

  • Swim Site Activation Technical Working Group (SSATWG) continuing to meet regularly to progress swim site opening.
  • Bayview Park construction commenced; site opening expected early November.
  • McIlwaine Park – construction underway but progress delayed, site completion expected early 2023.
  • Bedlam Bay – shortlisted contractors to design and construct infrastructure, community consultation expected latter half of year.
March – May 2022

  • Swim Site Activation Technical Working Group (SSATWG) meeting regularly to progress site opening. 
  • Bayview Park construction expected between April and August 2022 
  • McIlwaine Park – site works delayed  
  • Bedlam Bay – awaiting outcome of grant funding for construction of site infrastructure and finalisation of Human Health Risk Assessments (HHRA). 
  • Putney Park – awaiting outcome of grant funding for construction of site infrastructure and finalisation of HHRA. 
  • Callan Park – Inner West Council has met with GSP to progress opening this site. 
September 2021 – February 2022

  • SSATWG meeting regularly to progress site opening. 
  • Bayview Park construction expected between April and August 2022 
  • McIlwaine Park – site works delayed expect construction complete in June/July 2022. 
  • Bedlam Bay – awaiting outcome of grant funding for construction of site infrastructure and finalisation of HHRA. 
  • Putney Park – awaiting outcome of grant funding for construction of site infrastructure and finalisation of HHRA. 
June – August 2021

  • Bayview Park at DA stage with site works expected to be completed by April 2022.
  • McIlwaine Park site works delayed due to COVID restrictions.
  • Bedlam Bay still in investigative phase.
  • Putney Park construction of steps completed. Awaiting results of further investigations.
March – May 2021

  • EnRisk engaged by Ryde and Hunter’s Hill Councils to undertake chemical sampling and develop Human Health Risk Assessments (HHRA).
  • Bayview Park anticipated to open in the 2021/22 swim season.
  • McIlwaine Park anticipated to open in the 2021/22 swim season.
  • Bedlam Bay opening planned for late 2021/22 swim season.
  • Putney Park construction of steps ongoing due to contractor delays.
December 2020 – February 2021

  • EnRisk engaged by other priority swim site councils (except City of Ryde) to undertake chemical sampling and develop HHRA.
  • Bayview Park timeline for opening has been delayed as a Development Application (DA) is required.
September – November 2020

  • Bayview Park community consultation finalised.
  • Putney Park construction of steps expected to be completed in early 2021. Internal bid currently underway to fund additional site infrastructure such as netting.
  • Bedlam Bay engaged to begin Human Health Risk Assessments, assessing funding opportunities for netting and other site infrastructure.
June – August 2020

  • Bayview Park – community consultation was put on hold due to COVID-19. City of Canada Bay is planning to conduct online community engagement for the site in September with construction estimated to rak place between January-April 2021.
  • McIlwaine Park – preparing tender documents to be released in late August. A six-month construction period is expected with completion by late 2021.
  • Putney Park site steps expected to be completed by October 2020. City of Ryde to confirm if the site will be launched as a swim site.
March – May 2020

  • Quotes have been received to develop the Human Health Risk Assessments at each of the three sites.
  • Bayview Park – community consultation has been put on hold due to COVID-19. We are still anticipating to progress with the concept design when restrictions have eased.
  • McIlwaine Park – draft construction plans currently under review. Council is hoping to go to tender in June 2020.
December 2019 – February 2020

  • Received Callan Park Environmental Health Risk Assessment report from UNSW, which has been referred to NSW Health, the EPA, and DPIE.
September – November 2019

  • City of Ryde and City of Canada Bay progressed design and construction plans for activation of swimming sites.
  • Sanitary inspections completed for Putney Park, McIlwaine Park and Bayview Park.
July – September 2019

  • City of Canada Bay held community consultation event at McIlwaine Park.
  • City of Ryde and City of Canada Bay progressed design and construction plans for activation of swimming sites.
April – June 2019

  • City of Ryde and City of Canada Bay progressed design and construction plans for activation of swimming sites.

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