Thursday 20th June 2024

Inner West Council to host the PRCG from July 2024

The Parramatta River Catchment Group (PRCG) is relocating to Inner West Council’s Petersham office in July 2024, where it will operate for the next five years. Member councils nominate to host the PRCG for a five-year term and provide administrative and technical support.  City of Canada Bay Council has hosted the PRCG since 2019.

PRCG staff positions are fixed-term contracts for five years that align with a member council’s hosting period. All contracts will expire in June 2024 with the ending of the City of Canada Bay’s hosting period.  The positions have been reviewed and updated to align with the revised strategic direction and priorities of the PRCG over the next few years.

The positions include:

  • Coordinator
  • Senior Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Officer
  • Stormwater Compliance and Education Officer
  • Riverkeeper
  • Bank Naturalisation and Planning of Priority Corridors Project Officer (to be recruited in July 2024)

Recruitment for the positions is currently taking place with most roles expected to be filled by the end of June.

For more information regarding the relocation to Inner West Council and staff recruitment, read the media release or contact Nadia Young at:

Contact information during transition period

During the transition period, if you need to contact a PRCG staff member regarding a current project or event, please use the following email addresses until Inner West Council issues personal email addresses:

  • Coordinator:
  • Senior Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Officer:
  • Stormwater Compliance and Education Officer:
  • Riverkeeper:

Date: 20 June 2024