Strategic plan

To progress our mission to make the Parramatta River swimmable again, the PRCG aims to deliver the following strategic actions under five key pillars of responsibility: Planning, Coordination, Advocacy, Communications & Engagement and Monitoring & Reporting.

Planning & Research

We are driving catchment-wide planning and research to make the river swimmable again.


We are coordinating collaboration across the organisations that are responsible for managing land and water in the catchment, to deliver positive outcomes for the river in a more efficient and effective way. 


We are working with our partners to spread advocacy and work together to achieve our mission. 

Monitoring & Reporting

We are working to establish a coordinated monitoring program for swimming in the river.

Communications & Engagement

We are continuing to build support from the community and stakeholders to connect them to the river and build the capacity needed to make it swimmable again.